Las Vegas Tips
Fitzgerald's (downtown) has over 30 rooms for handicapped visitors, call them at 1-800-274-5825, and if you are over 55 ask them about their special seasonal deals. I prefer the first 2 weeks in December myself
Bring a couple of pair of inexpensive ear plugs if you have trouble sleeping around noisy late night neighbors.
When walking the LV Strip, use the pedestrian cross-over to get from one side to the other, never jaywalk it's against the law, and is extremely dangerous, especially in Las Vegas!
To travel from one end of the strip to the other, with stops in between, use the Las Vegas Monorail!
If you have a question about anything after you check in about Las Vegas be sure to speak to the information desk, and/or concierge, you can even call them before you arrive.
If you want something in Vegas be sure to ask for it comps, show tickets, line passes, restaurant freebies, etc.
BEST COUPON TIP: Looking for those Vegas coupons, there are lots of them in the What's On magazine that are in everyone's hotel room for shows, tours, dining, etc the magazine has a complete list of shows, restaurants, and just about everything else that might be of interest to the Las Vegas visitor! For more coupons check out the local Vegas newspaper - Las Vegas Review Journal, they have coupons too. ALSO: most hotels have sort of a "coupon" kiosk located in their lobbies, same coupons that some folks gather up and SELL to you via mail order. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY - THEY ARE FREE AT MOST VEGAS HOTELS!
A little gambling tip is getting free spins online casinos great for practice.